

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Why are good people unhappy ?

….And just like that my mind was ticking, walking yet another road of contemplation, trying to find a destination, an end to the answer. But the roads of thoughts are mostly about the observations and very less about the conclusions.

The question being asked was, What is it with good people and suffering? There’s this peculiar pattern in the universe which “gifts” suffering to the good people. For some time I just kept my thoughts open to various hypothesis being preached on the inter webs.

There were some who painted a picture in the colors of Christianity who claimed that the good were fighting a war against the evil; therefore suffering was just a part and parcel of their path. This religious theory keeps a bunch of grapes at the end of the path, the grapes are the heavenly treatment for those who manage to survive their life, while sticking to their faith.

Another very practical theory is something that can be easily digested from a logical perspective. It takes the principal of evolution and claims that good people aren’t necessarily on the same lines as evolution. As their survival instincts are already crippled by a strict moral code of conduct. So “good” people suffer but “fit” people survive and are less prone to suffering. Fair enough.

I myself am very hesitant to believe all such hypothesis. I never believe in actually “finding” the truth by digging the logical layers of one’s intellect or by blindly use religion as a walking stick.

My perspective relies heavily on something called “Pre-defined randomness”. It means that everything is shaping up through a random way with an overall pre-defined pattern. The big bang was a random phenomenon that was pre-defined and the fact that everything just fits into the slot is a proof that there is a divine presence that governs the evolution.

It’s like throwing the pieces of a puzzle as they scatter in a random fashion, but slowly and gradually every piece is finding it’s place as the pieces are being arranged in order. So you’re walking the road and not constructing it and while you’re at it, your sufferings and your joys are pre-defined.

…Because you never chose your family, your existence was an outcome of randomness, which was predefined and so will be your death, “Random” and “Predefined”. So when the start and the end of a life are agreeing the same rules, even the entire course of life works in the same way. You’re fulfilling the course of destiny, the course of universe’s plan where happiness and suffering are given to everyone in a pre-defined manner.

So the good people are the ones on a different road and the bad ones are on a different one. The question is who walks wisely and finds a way out ? The road, the destinations will remain the same, what will change is "You". And it's "You" who can decide to be good or to be bad. Suffering and joy will remain predefined.

In this entire process of fulfilling one’s chosen path the ultimate virtue becomes finding and cherishing the flashes of bliss, that you encounter, choosing to walk your road with less regrets but with indifference and some gratitude.

Because you never choose it…you always get it.


Such an argument is very debate-friendly. We mortals are mere outcomes and forever we'll remain the children of existence. So...till the end of time we'll just make our approximations about the truth like mad children who're overly curious.

This approximation is just another child bragging his heart and mind out. You can do the same.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Gurus

My Gurus were bad men, they were drug addicts.They were those corrupt-Buddhas who had known that life was a tasteless experience They'd understood the lying optimists and the religions of hypocrisy. But instead of using meditative suffering, they used intoxication to open the doors of bliss, to get a glimpse of heaven.

They were on a different road altogether, the only thing about life that made sense to them was its eventual end.

You might say, my Gurus were bad men. They weren't those who would be accepted by the society. For they had surrendered and turned towards the darkness, the darkness of truth that envelopes a reality.

My Gurus were wishful thinkers. They knew that reality wasn't worth the admiration. So they used intoxication and dreamt like children, lived in a dream world, wrote, sang, danced and remained in a meditative state of intoxication. They taught the world to dream, and not to keep running away from the reality.

My Gurus may be bad men for you. But for me, they're men who weren't sucked by the whirlpool of make-believe as they had their realizations intact, deep inside their honest hearts.

To Morrison and Osho.

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[ Mood setting courtesy- ]

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Self-Proclaimed Truth

Your different appearance can cripple your character. Sadly the worldly eyes do not look into you. A surface-level judgment is passed and things proceed from there. The worldly eyes are blind to something that’s different. No matter what their lying mouths utter, their eyes will never see through.

We’re humans who can only sense our own emotions. Emotional reception is not something that is one of our abilities. Pain is either felt, spectated or questioned. Pain is never shared. That way, the sufferer is a lonely person, left alone, in a corner, with his misery. Tragic is not the fact that the world does not understand another man’s misery. Tragic is the fact that no one even tries to.

This is the truth, the truth which may be regarded as Cynicism by the world. But it’s just another way by which the world shows its hypocrisy. A world which ends up doing whatever it denies. A world that’s full of angelic tongues that hide demonic minds.

The world will rediscover life once minds are silenced and hearts are allowed to surface up in our lives.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

About Women and Rapes

Every now and then, amidst the rush of news, there's always an incident of rape that is high lighted, hyped and forgotten. The news channels will talk about it, flashing a blurred face on their cluttered channel screens, some big shot woman will criticize and condemn the happening in the news paper, raising the same old questions on the culture, the status of women and the authority. Once the cycle of these events end, it'll all be back to square one.

Let me not complicate what I'm trying to say. Let's just segregate this concern in two questions.

The first question,

Why the rapes?

I still remember what one of my friend used to say, foreigners keep the sex in their beds and their work in their heads but it's the other way round for Indians; the sex is always in their heads. We're chained by our cultural restrictions, and hence we become like those dogs in captivity who want to run away to satisfy their natural urges.

Rape will remain a societal hazard as long as the sexual freedom is not given to the people. Such kind of freedom cannot be given as the impositions will remain due to the heavy cultural protocol on our shoulders.

But this restricted sexual freedom is a good thing, as it gives sex an exclusivity. An act that holds a sacred kind of importance and isn't an amusement.

This restriction is bad too as the sexual frustration will accumulate and rapes will persist.

The second question,

Why a victimized woman ?

In response to every rape incident there is always a famous lady voicing her complaints regarding the status of woman in the society and the gender difference evident in Indian families.

Before raising the blaming fingers, one has to understand our strict hierarchical existence. Because here in India more than the individuality it's much more about the families. Due to our strong family ties we have a specific status for everyone. That's why there is a difference and diversification. Diversification is a good thing but discrimination is bad.

So all the blame game just hides the fact that we don't look at each other as individuals but as constituents of a society, family and a cultural union. That way the difference remains, as the entire setting facilitates this difference. A woman is mostly a victim with regards to this difference.


Despite of seeing through the reasons to these tragic happenings. One cannot deny the seriousness of this issue, the plight of the victims and the shamelessness of men who're not men after all, but dogs of the worst kind.

The solution lies with the authoritative power and our administration system. A system which is full of loop holes.

The bottom line is, it's hard to change the thinking, the society or even the cultural influence. The only change that can be visible is the change in the authority. An authority that should be bribe-resistant and justice-friendly.

Once the authority starts exercising its power of righteousness, only then will we start justifying the status of Goddesses we give our women.