

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Funny Lives..

Funny lives, we all live. Lives which take us on a rollercoaster ride. A ride which makes us laugh, cry, all in the name of fun. Yeah, its "fun" as long as you don't get yourself killed,its a funny life.

As I was down and out couple of days back. I went to Mc donalds with my sister, and BANG I feel good. So yea, Mc donalds can solve many problems.

And today's Lord Krishna's bday! Yes!

The dude. The king of all queens. The wise and the powerful!

Happy birthday my Lord !
Bestow me with a little bit of your charm and magical persona.

You can have all the million and one ladies who're crazy about you. I just need one.

Grant us all, the strength and courage to live our "Funny" lives.

Rock on my Lord! =)

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