

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


What is beauty?

Its in your eyes. But its hidden somewhere. You gotta find it.

Everything is beautiful. Everything.

The world is obsessed with the physical aspects of everything.

They fall in love. The love gets old. It wears out and nothing seems
the same. The reason? That's because they fell in love, with
something, they thought was beautiful.

Beauty is something with which you fall in love, all over again,
everytime you encounter it.

Beauty is about a never ending, timeless love. A love which never gets old.

Beauty lies in all of us. Don't listen to what the world defines beauty as.

Someday , someone will enter your life and make you realise how
beautiful you are..

So, the next time you're in front of a mirror. Look closely...

You ARE beautiful.

Sent from my mobile device

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BE (YOU) Tiful :)