

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dear whomever-it-can-apply-to,

When it's a temporary life where you won't take anything with you, why not choose your indulgences carefully ? Why not drop attitude, pride and ego ? Why not embrace love, care and humbleness ? So that you can generate bliss not only for yourself but for others around too. So that you can enjoy the magic as long as it lasts, with an open heart.


PS- This letter is for you. If you're full of an attitude, due to the ability of only thinking and not feeling. You may win, arguments and competitions, but you're not winning affection and emotional approval. And you're not living in the true sense. 

You're like that grumpy person looking at everyone dancing. Standing there, restricted by pride and thought. I say, drop it all, and dance to the tune of life and you'll be happier. Trust me.

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