

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Updating this space after a long time. Just because I feel like. Just because there are things in my mind that have to be brought out, thoughts that are entrapped like fierce bulls. They all have to be let out. Because they mean nothing, their governance is only limited to my perspective. Whatever happens in the end may or may not match my perspective.

This time, I'm argumenting with myself, as to what would be the definition of the word "home". The materialistic part of me relates it to physical aspects of the place I live in, the comfy bed, the clean loo and the company of my folks. This pretty much sums up a home.

But then, a part of me knows of a different home. It's when you're doing what you've always wanted to do. It's when there's a desire to live a day more and not surrender to bad times. Home is attained, when you feel at ease with yourself. You're not home, when you're just roaming around here and there, in search of a refuge. When you find yourself, is the time you actually find a home.

...and that's how I'm homeless. Yep.

1 comment:

Richa said...

Home is where heart is :)