

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Letter to my 16 Year Old Self...

Dear 16 year old self,

I know how you feel. I really do. You've been through a lot, I know. But I applaud you as you're more lively and happier than me. People may despise you, family may side line you, but you still manage to laugh your heart out and smile at mere strangers. You possess a baby's heart, that's so easily distracted by small pleasures in life. Please don't lose this trait somewhere down the line.

You're braver than me, you handle rejection and misery in a better manner. You've handled an emotionally chaotic childhood very well. You may shed a tear or two but after some time you're laughing your ass off at anything that's slightly laughable.

Don't listen to your family when they mistake your "Internet surfing" as your "Technical interest". Your mind is light years away from anything logical. It flies in the skies of creativity. Be a kite flier of your thoughts, that's what you're meant to do. Trust me. Don't opt for engineering, it'll set you on a different road altogether and you'll be lost.

Maintain that confidence you have right now. You KNOW you can act, sing, dance and write. Never forget what your teacher says when she talks about the "expression" in your writing. Those poems at the back of your note book are great. You CAN form the next big punk rock band, if you DON'T enroll into an engineering course.

You may be different in every way, the world may sideline you, but you're special too. You always love with all your heart (That's why you gave a ring to that girl which she casually rejected), you're always there for your friends (Although they don't really value you). Always have this "giving" nature. Because you have a heart of gold, and it does not matter if the world does not acknowledge it.

Don't cry when you grow older, girls don't find it cool.

In the end, I just want you to know that you're God's special child. Different AND special in every way. You MUST know that at all times, so that you don't turn into a Bewada Devdas like me. I know you want to be loved, but for that you have to love yourself. Because my dear, you're special..

I wish I could be like you.
I hope and pray you don't grow up and find this post to be your "True Story".

Much love,

Your 22 year old self...


Manali said...

It was really sweet :')
It's strange how the time goes by and we change into a completely different person, do the things we don't want to and be someone we don't like in the end. Life happens.

ms.parker said...

Girls find it sweet that a guy can cry over something and not hide their feelings and be stone faced about something just to look cool :)

Beautiful post too!

Yuvika said...
