

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Sweeter Fall...

I've fallen down yet again.

But it feels different.

The fall feels like a routine thing. I feel a little stronger. Maybe, I'm headed to a different direction. Maybe.

After all the hardships, there comes a phase of emotional weightless-ness, emotional numbness. Although those wounds will hurt.

And when the skies are dark. There's always a guiding star, bestowed upon us by the divine power. I'm glad I've got my guiding star.

Also, we're back after completing the circle. I started this blog after I deleted my previous Twitter account. I've deleted my Twitter again. Why? To escape my stagnant mind. I don't want to hold onto my thoughts. Times are tough, I'd rather glide through them. Or as Zen states I want to "Empty my vessel".

I secretly wait for better days like always. So that hope can be instilled again.

Please note. I'm not cribbing. Just stating facts.

Things will get better from now on. I know. I fuckin' know this.

I got drunk today too. Alone. For once the world didn't matter. I just enjoyed my fall in slow mo.

Let's not strech this bollywood drama.

I'll see you on the other side.

<Insert orchestra music>

PS- Tell your small mind to relax and ignore the typos.

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