actually a projection of imaginations. Nature has been there all this
while, like free flowing, stream of truth.
Let things free flow. Don't make changes to it. Surrender to the womb
of nature. Nature will give you the strength you need, will mould you
into the type of person you're supposed to be. Let the wicked remain
wicked, the kind remain kind. All of them are just following their
natural instincts.
As my master Osho says- You have come out of a womb, and now you're in
the womb of nature. Surrender to it. You'll be fine.
Exist like everything nature. Like a free flowing stream, or a breeze
let loose. Exist freely in perfect bliss.
Cough syrups and the sleep, and these post sleep thoughts. It's an
endless dive mixed with extreme solitude. Bliss.
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