movies. Come home tired and go to sleep.
Eventually, even the weekend becomes like a weekday where you end up tired.
I always say, weekends should be respected. Go easy on yourself.
Lock the main door. Make some coffee. Switch on some soft jazz music.
Prepare some hot water in that bath tub.
Shut yourself to the outside world. Open the doors inside yourself.
That's what even the saints do. They go to a secluded place. Shutting
themselves to the outside world. Entering the universe inside them and
start living there forever.
Coz inside all of us there's a larger universe. Waiting to be
explored. A universe where there's "You" and "Your happiness". Go
explore it , its never too late.
PS- Blogpost inspired from a Saturday spent in laziness and
meditation(read as "Sleep")
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lol this is like awsumness.. do u read ppl;s mind?hehe
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