A career was not just about the money. Well, yes the money is an integral part. But a couple of months down the line even money loses its sweet taste, if the career path is not of your preference. And if you're impulsive like me, you might even start contemplating on leaving the job. (And if you're actually me, you might even start looking at "sanyas" as an option)
Too bad we can't time travel to the times of our fathers and mothers, when the career-agenda was just something secondary. The primary motive was to live an innocent life of the village. No motor cars, no TVs, just songs on the radio, and people never got enough of living a life. Every day was welcoming life with open arms. I guess I'm just over exaggerating here. But nevertheless even parents agree that life was better during those days and I would rather agree with them as I try accepting these modern times and the dilemmas they cater to the modern man. Turning life into this dry emotionless experience, where the dogs keep running after the materialistic bones.
Coming back to the question of an ideal career, many of us nowadays live with a passion. A passion which many dream of turning into a career then again we are not in the times of our "Baap dada". If "Pappu can dance" then he will be earning his bread for a few years and after that when Pappu's bones become weary. He'll have to look for a different job as his savings won't be enough for his fruitful sustenance for the rest of his years (Thank you Mehengai Dayan)
I did mention of sanyas previously. Which is a possibility that's voided out today. Modern lives have become so tempting that it's difficult to give up the material luxuries. It was always difficult to leave life but then nowadays the business sense has even percolated the religious and the spiritual side. The only sanyasees are those who're sanyasees not by will but by compulsion.
Lets come back to the question again, about the ideal career. In respect to which I can relate something that I see nowadays. The herd of professionally inclined people, just ready to switch jobs. It seems that every job has its saturation point, which once attained, will lead to disinterest in the work and you'll start looking elsewhere for something that's worthwhile and the cycle will keep repeating. There are even those who've studied something and end up doing something not even remotely related to their field. Career flukes are made and they live with their own dilemmas.
Let's get this straight, this whole career thingie is a hoax.
The conclusion is, no matter how much ever you reaearch, you'll come to know that there's no ideal career. If you're born in the working class, you will stay there. Like pieces of dominoes you'll keep collapsing as even your son and grandson will find themselves living the life of a working class individual.
Therefore, the ideal career is NO career. YES. Careers are just systems made for sustenance. Sustain, but also find ways of indulgence that make you relish life more blissfully. Do art. Write, make music, drunk dance. Career gaya tael lene.
Hence aim for NO career. Having a big shot dad and marrying a rich elderly woman will help.
The best career is "No career"
Peace out yo!
PS- Current expression-----> =|
PS- Current expression-----> =|